Would You Like To See Your Pitches
Turn Into Placements?

Music Supervisor & Licensing Expert, Jody Friedman shows you the most effective methods used by sync agents & music publishers in the business today...

Would You Like To See Your Pitches
Turn Into Placements?

By the end of this program, you will learn everything you need to know to...


Master the Art of Pitching 


Over the past 16 years, I have perfected this process.

Now, I want to show you everything I know to save you years of trial and error, and the frustration that comes with learning to pitch your music on your own. 😖

And the only way to cure that frustration, and ensure more placements is to…


Make Sure Your Pitch is 100% On Point Every Time


In this course, you will learn:

  • What a Music Supervisor Does
  • Who Music Supervisors Serve
  • Challenges Music Supervisors Face

...so that you can understand your clients and the people who create the products music supervisors work on!


You’ll also learn: 

  • How to Thoroughly Research Projects That Need Music
  • How to Prepare for and Crush a Pitch Meeting
  • Why Presentation Matters
  • Why Sometimes it’s Better Not to Pitch At All
  • What to Expect When Pitching Your Music
  • What to Do If You Don’t Hear Back

I’ll even show you how to find your ideal customers!

It’s very important to identify your ideal customers who will keep coming back for your music.

Check out what Cindy Sladek had to say!

"Jody's stuff is top notch. It's easy to watch and very clear.  I've been studying this for a year and half with several professionals and I think Pitch Like a Pro is one of the best courses I've taken so far.  It's been really helpful to me."

- Cindy Sladek (Music Catalog Owner)

So, Why Should You Listen To Me?

My name is Jody Friedman. I’m a music supervisor for Film, TV and Ads, and I have licensed over 10,000 songs across all sorts of media.  

To date, I have secured over $1.75M in license fees and over $500k in royalties. And every single placement matters as you build your forever income stream of royalties (the residuals add up💰)

I have licensed songs for projects and brands like:

  • Greys Anatomy
  • Shameless
  • Handmaid’s Tale
  • Breaking Bad
  • Mad Max: Fury Road
  • K-Mart
  • Snowpiercer
  • Star Trek: Picard
  • Chevrolet
  • and so much more….

Through my years of experience, I have perfected the process of pitching music... 

And I'm going to walk you step-by-step through examinations of real briefs that I have pitched to so that you can learn to understand and interpret "briefs" ("briefs" are also known as "music searches", "leads", "placement opportunities"...)

I’ll show you my whole process and how I select the songs that I want to pitch for certain projects.

I will analyze and break down two briefs for feature films, and two briefs for TV shows so you can observe and study my process, and understand why I’m getting placements.

In this course, I’ll show you the RIGHT way to pitch, and the WRONG way to pitch. It’s important to understand the wrong way to pitch, so you can avoid bad pitching practices. 😬

 ✔︎ If you get in now, I'll include these exclusive BONUS lessons...


BONUS #1 ✔︎ MasterClass on Pitching

Watch Me Pitch to a Massive Brief for the Feature Film, "American Reunion" (Universal Pictures) ($1,000 value!)

In this BONUS lesson, I will take show you the exact process I went through when selecting songs from my catalogs to pitch to the Universal Pictures Feature Film, "American Reunion".

This process resulted in a placement for one of our artists in the Film!

BONUS #2 ✔︎ Sync, Artist Development and Business Challenges
feat. Licensing Rep (and Music Supervisor), Rachel Komar! ($500 value!)

In this BONUS Lesson, we'll speak with my colleague Rachel Komar about the Challenges faced by Artists in Music Licensing and discuss how to overcome those challenges among other things.  Rachel is a widely respected Music Supervisor & Music Licensing Rep and a true artist advocate.  This lesson is invaluable!


BONUS #3 ✔︎ MasterClass on Pitching Etiquette, Tips & More feat. Executive Director of the Guild of Music Supervisors, Hunter George ($500 value!)

In this BONUS Lesson, we'll speak with Hunter George about Pitching protocol and other things you should focus on as well as tips on what to avoid when approaching Music Supervisors and pitching them your music.  In addition to serving as the Executive Director for the Guild of Music Supervisors, Hunter is an artist himself and a Music Coordinator.


BONUS #4 ✔︎ Pitching Do's & Don'ts Guide (Priceless)

In this BONUS, you will be able to download my "Pitching Do's and Don'ts Guide" for quick reference to make sure your pitch is on point 100% of the time. 

Take Action and Join Today!

You'll get instant, lifetime access to the "Pitch Like a Pro" course PLUS $2,000 in Bonus content for ONE simple payment of...


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